联大大纲—通信电子 ;教师介绍; 单片机课程学习经验- 学习路线图; 1.概述 -应用 -定义 -特点 -构成; 2.嵌入式处理器 —DIY CPU处理器ARM处理器Cortex-A8S5PV210讨论; 3.汇编语言 -作业 4.Bootloader -作业 5.Linux内核移植 6.嵌入式Linux程序设计 7.图形用户接口QT 8.其他框架介绍; 9.嵌入式物联网应用系统设计



A5.1 ARM instruction set encoding
The ARM instruction stream is a sequence of word-aligned words.

Each ARM instruction is a single 32-bit word in that stream.

The encoding of an ARM instruction is:

Table A5-1 shows the major subdivisions of the ARM instruction set, determined by bits[31:25, 4].
Most ARM instructions can be conditional, with a condition determined by bits[31:28] of the instruction, the
field. For more information see The condition code field. This applies to all instructions except those with the cond field equal to 0b1111.

下面我们详细看一个指令的定义,我们取“Data-processing and miscellaneous instructions on page A5-196”


A5.2 Data-processing and miscellaneous instructions

The encoding of ARM data-processing instructions, and some miscellaneous, instructions is:

A5.2.1 Data-processing (register)
The encoding of ARM data-processing (register) instructions is:

A8.8.14 AND (register)
This instruction performs a bitwise AND of a register value and an optionally-shifted register value, and writes the result to the destination register. It can optionally update the condition flags based on the result.



注:Encoding T1表示是Thumb 1的编码。



注:Encoding A1表示是Arm的编码。



A8.4.2 Register controlled shifts
These are only available in ARM instructions.
<type> is the type of shift to apply to the value read from <Rm>. It must be one of:
ASR Arithmetic shift right, encoded as type = 0b10.
LSL Logical shift left, encoded as type = 0b00.
LSR Logical shift right, encoded as type = 0b01.
ROR Rotate right, encoded as type = 0b11.
The bottom byte of
<Rs> contains the shift amount.

A8.4.3 Pseudocode details of instruction-specified shifts and rotates
enumeration SRType {SRType_LSL, SRType_LSR, SRType_ASR, SRType_ROR, SRType_RRX};
// DecodeImmShift()
// ================
(SRType, integer) DecodeImmShift(bits(2) type, bits(5) imm5)
case type of
when ‘00’
  shift_t = SRType_LSL; shift_n = UInt(imm5);
when ‘01’
  shift_t = SRType_LSR; shift_n = if imm5 == ‘00000’ then 32 else UInt(imm5);
when ‘10’
  shift_t = SRType_ASR; shift_n = if imm5 == ‘00000’ then 32 else UInt(imm5);
when ‘11’
  if imm5 == ‘00000’ then
   shift_t = SRType_RRX; shift_n = 1;
  shift_t = SRType_ROR; shift_n = UInt(imm5);
return (shift_t, shift_n);

